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Make a gift today!

The Cape Breton Miners Museum gratefully accepts charitable gifts…we rely on your generosity to sustain our mission of bringing people together to see, experience and understand Cape Breton’s mining history and culture. Your gift will help us present Cape Breton’s history to visitors from around the world and just around the corner as well as with the care and conservation of our invaluable collections. The contact form to the right will enable you to make a gift today!

You can also help us to secure our future!

Please consider making a planned gift. There are a number of ways to do that – the most common being through your will. Such a gift will ensure that the Cape Breton Miners Museum will be around for your children and grandchildren so they can experience our rich mining history. You, like us want this unique Museum to continue in perpetuity. Contact Mary Pat Mombourquette at 849-4522 or to discuss your planned gift to the Cape Breton Miners’ Museum.

All gifts are eligible for a 100% income tax receipt.   Many thanks!